Seven Segment Display | Raspberry Pi 3 B+ | Projects for Beginners Thinking of Pi 3:51 5 years ago 1 021 Далее Скачать
Raspberry Pi and Arduino 7-segment LED display - Digital Electronics Shift Register Penguin Tutor 11:24 4 years ago 780 Далее Скачать
Adeept Raspberry Pi Tutorials - Controlling LED with Button Adeept Studio 5:52 4 years ago 354 Далее Скачать
Usage Tutorial of Raspberry Pi + Ultrasonic Ranging Module Adeept Studio 2:13 5 years ago 515 Далее Скачать
Raspberry Pi EB:Expansion Board PI:PI seven segment display ceptimus 4:11 4 years ago 71 Далее Скачать